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Our platform brings you:
1. Retention/Loyalty/Conversion
The obvious ROI are Customer Retention, Loyalty and Conversion
By implementing our system customers gain these advantages, and our platform enables you to:
be informed in real-time of any concerns.
gain customer feedback easily at all touch points through the customer journey.
increase retention and loyalty which increases your revenue.
2. Referrals
By increasing your retention and loyalty referrals will naturally increase. This further increases your revenue.
3. Cost Savings
Listening and implementing resolutions to customer feedback, reduces costs.
By illustration, customers may highlight a common problem with an area of your business, by resolving this you have instantly resolved the effort required to field and process further complaints coming in, saving you time and thereby money, as well as improving customer experience to retain loyalty.
4. Monitoring your customer scores
Whether NPS or our own more detailed version of this "Customer Satisfaction Value", you can quickly see if you have issues or not.
No environment is static - with the change of employees, processes, products and much more. It is essential you continually monitor this environment to secure your continued success.

It is not just the losing of a customer you need to consider, but the subsequent impact of them sharing their dissatisfaction with others. By reversing this reaction you actually build revenue.
In short how much is a customer worth to you?
By understanding your customer value (how much they are worth), you can easily calculate how much revenue and indeed potential revenue you could lose.
"Don't let your customers vote with their feet...
given them an easy way to communicate with you,
so you can resolve their issues and
turn them from a detractor to a promoter"
There are several ROI, and the value of ROI varies from business to business
Take a look at the average revenue generated by a customer
and your customer retention rate.
Protect and promote your brand
Our platform is fully branded, and has the functionality to upsell your products and services.
By default all responses are confidential, however, we can promote your brand directing customer to social if they give positive reviews.
Be clear on your message
Are you asking for feedback and customer opinion, or are you actually performing market research? Both are valid exercises but should be approached in entirely different ways.
Our platform can help in both these areas, but our laser focused customer centric platform is exceptional at "feedback".
Contact us for a free demo - our platform gains you greater
Drive repeat and referral business to grow your revenue.
Feedback in seconds ...
not minutes!
Instant analysis
& alerting
Stronger loyalty,
more revenue
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